Обсуждение новостей киноиндустрии


- Clearest Picture Yet of Dark Matter Points the Way to Better Understanding of Dark Energy
- Warming Antarctic Brings Changes to Penguin Breeding Cycles
- Extensive Taste Loss Found in Mammals: Feeding Preferences Shaped by Taste Receptors
- Earth's Clouds Are Getting Lower, NASA Satellite Finds
- Dust Linked to Increased Glacier Melting, Ocean Productivity
- Design Rules Will Enable Scientists to Use DNA to Build Nanomaterials With Desired Properties
- Genetic Variation in Human Gut Viruses Could Be Raw Material for Inner Evolution
- Roots of Hunger and Eating: Plasticity in the Brain's Wiring Controls Feeding Behavior in Mice
- Meteorites Reveal Another Way to Make Life's Components
- Tiny Primate Is Ultrasonic Communicator
- NASA's Spitzer Finds Solid Buckyballs in Space
- Genes Linked to Cancer Could Be Easier to Detect With Liquid Lasers
- Scientists Find Evidence of Ancient Megadrought in Southwestern U.S.
- Touching a Nerve: How Every Hair in Skin Feels Touch and How It All Gets to the Brain
- Millions of Americans at Risk of Flooding as Sea Levels Rise
- Early Evolution of Life: Study of Ribosome Evolution Challenges 'RNA World' Hypothesis
- World's Smallest Frogs Discovered in New Guinea
- Neuron Memory Key to Taming Chronic Pain, New Research Suggests
- Geothermal Mapping Report Confirms Vast Coast-To-Coast Clean Energy Source in U.S.
- Newborn Stars Emerge from Dark Clouds in Taurus
- On the Path to Age-Defying Therapies
- Light Created from a Vacuum: Casimir Effect Observed in Superconducting Circuit
- Global Winds Could Explain Record Rains, Tornadoes
- Regular Chocolate Eaters Are Thinner, Evidence Suggests
- Why Some Animals Live Longer Than Others
- Self-Centered Kids? Blame Their Immature Brains
- Climate Change May Bring Big Ecosystem Shifts, NASA Says
- Geologic Map of Jupiter's Moon Io Details an Otherworldly Volcanic Surface
- Molecular 'Culprit' in Rise of Planetary Oxygen
- Tiny Protein Helps Bacteria 'Talk' and Triggers Defensive Response in Plants
- Catching a Comet Death On Camera
- How the Smell of Food Affects How Much You Eat
- Successful Human Tests for First Wirelessly Controlled Drug-Delivery Chip
- How a Single Gene Mutation Leads to Uncontrolled Obesity
- Almost Perfect: Researcher Nears Creation of Superlens
- What Bacteria Don't Know Can Hurt Them
- Early Black Holes Grew Big Eating Cold, Fast Food
- A Battle of the Vampires, 20 Million Years Ago?
- Prehistoric Greenhouse Data from Ocean Floor Could Predict Earth's Future, Study Finds
- Neither Birth nor Death Stops a Flock, New Theory Shows
- First Computer Model of How Buds Grow Into Leaves
- 'Zombie' Worms Found in Mediterranean Fossil
- Depression: An Evolutionary Byproduct of Immune System?
- How the Milky Way Killed Off Nearby Galaxies
- Nanotrees Harvest the Sun's Energy to Turn Water Into Hydrogen Fuel
- Earth's Core Deprived of Oxygen
- Hyperactivity in Brain May Explain Multiple Symptoms of Depression
- Wireless Power Could Revolutionize Highway Transportation
- Helping Your Fellow Rat: Rodents Show Empathy-Driven Behavior, Evidence Suggests
- Magnetic Fields Set Stage for Birth of New Stars
- Who's the Boss? Research Shows Cells Influence Their Own Destiny
- Bats Show Ability to Instantly Change Their Ear Shapes, Making Their Hearing More Flexible
- Robot Reconnoiters Uncharted Terrain
- Lull in Ship Noise After Sept. 11 Attacks Eased Stress On Right Whales
- Ecologists Capture First Deep-Sea Fish Noises
- How Insects 'Remodel' Their Bodies Between Life Stages
- Ice Age Coyotes Were Supersized Compared to Coyotes Today, Fossil Study Reveals
- Deepest Terrestrial Arthropod Ever Found
- Most Detailed Infrared Image of the Carina Nebula Ever
- Graphene Supercapacitor Holds Promise for Portable Electronics
- In Space and On Earth, Why Build It, When a Robot Can Build It for You?
- Ocean Microbe Communities Changing, but Long-Term Environmental Impact Is Unclear
- Predator-Prey Relationships Make Possible the Rich Biodiversity of Complex Ecosystems
- Rare Miller's Grizzled Langur Rediscovered in Borneo
- Six to Nine-Month-Olds Understand the Meaning of Many Spoken Words
- More Powerful Supercomputers? New Device Could Bring Optical Information Processing
- Graphene Reveals Its Magnetic Personality
- Evolution Is Written All Over Your Face
- Cooling Semiconductors by Laser Light
- New Particle at Large Hadron Collider Discovered by ATLAS Experiment
- Runner's High Motivated the Evolution of Exercise, Research Suggests
- New Fossil Penguin from New Zealand May Be the Biggest Ever
- Process Makes Polymers Truly Plastic, Changing Textures On Demand
- Major Step Forward Towards Drought Tolerance in Crops
- NASA Develops Super-Black Material That Absorbs Light Across Multiple Wavelength Bands
- Spider Web's Strength Lies in More Than Its Silk
- Global Sea Level Rise: NASA Mission Takes Stock of Earth's Melting Land Ice
- Galaxies Get Up Close and Personal: Collisions in Young Galaxy Cluster
- Earthworms to Blame for Decline of Ovenbirds in Northern Midwest Forests
- New Computer Model Explains Lakes and Storms On Saturn's Moon Titan
- More Than 7,500-Year-Old Fish Traps Found in Russia
- Alzheimer's Disease May Spread by 'Jumping' from One Brain Region to Another
- Early Earth May Have Been Prone to Deep Freezes, Study Finds
- Researchers Send 'Wireless' Message Using a Beam of Neutrinos
- New Technique Lets Scientists Peer Within Nanoparticles, See Atomic Structure in 3-D
- 'Saber-Toothed Squirrel': First Known Mammalian Skull from Late Cretaceous in South America
- New Horned Dinosaur Announced Nearly 100 Years After Discovery
- First Spectroscopic Measurement of an Anti-Atom
- How Bees Are Harmed by Common Crop Pesticides
- Surprise Finding Redraws 'Map' of Blood Cell Production
- Fastest Wind from Stellar-Mass Black Hole
- Discovery May Lead to Safer Treatments for Asthma, Allergies and Arthritis
- Paint-On Solar Cells Developed
- Following Genetic Footprints out of Africa: First Modern Humans Settled in Arabia
- Possible Hints of Higgs Boson Remain in Latest Analyses, Physicists Say
- Savannas and Forests in a Battle of the Biomes
- Testosterone Makes Us Less Cooperative and More Egocentric
- They Call It 'Guppy Love': Biologists Solve an Evolution Mystery
- Specific Antibodies Halt Alzheimer's Disease in Mice
- Study Extends the 'Ecology of Fear' to Fear of Parasites
- Drop in Carbon Dioxide Levels Led to Polar Ice Sheet, Study Finds
- Yosemite's Alpine Chipmunks Take Genetic Hit from Climate Change
- Hubble Reveals a New Class of Extrasolar Planet
- Bioluminescence: Explanation for Glowing Seas Suggested
- Cassini Chronicles Life of Saturn's Giant Storm
- Getting to the Moon On Drops of Fuel
- Scientists Reveal Genetic Mutation Depicted in Van Gogh's Sunflower Paintings
- Elusive Higgs Boson May Nearly Be Cornered
- Could Siberian Volcanism Have Caused the Earth's Largest Extinction Event?
- Nasty People in the Media Prime the Brain for Aggression

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0 180 2012-12-21 01:12:21  Кирил
0 13 2012-12-21 01:12:03  Кирил
0 24 2012-12-21 01:11:45  Кирил
0 14 2012-12-21 01:11:13  Кирил
0 14 2012-12-21 01:10:59  Кирил
0 22 2012-12-21 01:10:40  Кирил
0 14 2012-12-21 01:10:20  Кирил
0 12 2012-12-21 01:10:04  Кирил
0 16 2012-12-21 01:09:31  Кирил
0 13 2012-12-21 01:09:14  Кирил
0 31 2012-12-21 01:08:54  Кирил
0 11 2012-12-21 01:08:36  Кирил